Sunday, July 17, 2011

Google Adsense! Make Quick Easy Money. Tips Tricks & More!

Google Adsense! Make Quick Easy Money. Tips Tricks & More!

Google Adsense is the BEST way to Make Quick Easy Money! This is 100% real Google will pay you to put Ads on your website, forum or blog! Google Adsense will target your content so if your site is about How to Make Quick Easy Money Google will display ads on How To Make Quick Easy Money this will draw the users to the Ads. Google gives you the option to show image Ads or text rich Ads. I recommend Text rich Ads because it gives more information on the ad. My total Google Adsense earnings are around 4 digits. Why do most people have low adsense earnings with Google Adsense? Low Adsense earnings can be caused by not having enough traffic to your site or bad placement of ads. Don’t give up so easily if you don’t make a lot of money your first time using Google Adsense. Keep improving your site, content and increasing your traffic. Your Adsense earnings will increase slowly or rapidly depending on how much you improve your site.

Good Ways To Increase Adsense Earnings
1. Custom Search Engine

  • Add a google powered custom search engine to your site and you can earn money from ads on the search results! Google will allow you to edit the color and location of the ads in the custom search! I recommend blending the search box with your website.

  • 2. Websites

  • Display ads on a website that is suited for you audience interest and earn money from valid clicks and impressions! Basically what I’m trying to say create a site that is focused on one subject so your ads will be more relevant to your site.

  • 3. Feeds

  • Targeted ads in your feeds wherever they are viewed

  • 4. Mobile WebPages and applications

  • Connect mobile users with the correct ad at the right time as they seek info

  • 5. No Public Service Ads Allowed!

  • Why should you remove public service Ads? They do not increase your earnings at all! Removing them will make it so only paying ads will show. How do you remove them? Develop good content with good keywords.

  • How to Get a Higher Adsense CTR

  • 1. Match the colors of your Ads with the color of your theme. Matching with your website theme will make them not be viewed as ads but as links similar to those of your website.

  • 2. Not getting enough clicks? Try moving your Adsense Ads in another location or changing the ad type so if you have Image Ads try using Text Rich Ads. Keep doing this until you start getting good CTR.

  • 3. Max number of Adsense Ads! If you can fit 3 ads on a page of your site without it looking ugly and unprofessional go for it! Users are more likely to click on one of the three ads. Don’t put more than three ads on a page because it goes against the adsense policy.

  • Google Adsense New Interface!

    Google has recently updated the interface of Google Adsense. The new Adsense Interface looks very professional and future like. In the interface they changed the navigation a little but everything is pretty much the same. Don’t worry for the people who like the old adsense interface Google gives you the option to pick between the old and new interface.


    When does Google pay you your money?

    I’m sure a lot of you are wondering when you get the money from your adsense earnings. Google will send you a check to your house at the end of month if you have earned the required amount of money needed to payout. Don’t cry if Google sends you a check that is only worth like 20 or 30 dollars! Develop your site and content more and your check could turn into a 4 digit number instead of 2.


     How has Google Adsense changed my life?

    Before I started using Google Adsense I lived with my parents in a one bed room apartment! Living in the house with my parents was a nightmare only thing I had that made my life just a little better was a computer. They yelled at me constantly telling me I need to find a job, just like any other normal American I was the laziest person you could ever meet. When I was bored I worked on my website me and my friend created it was a very successful website. My buddy came to me one day and said we should try to make a profit from all the traffic we receive to our site. I asked him how we were going to make money off our site. Then he told me about Google Adsense and how a lot of people are getting rich using it! I was like wow let’s give it a try! We installed the code on our site and just after a few hours the money was coming like crazy. When I showed my parents the check they sent me they went crazy and almost had a heart attack I was making more money than my parents put together! I didn’t think it was real until me and my friend cashed the check in. my friend and I got a house together and I have been living good ever since.

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